Looking for the perfect gift? Treat someone special to the ultimate savings experience with the Entertainment® Coupon Membership and the most extensive collection of high-value
Gift, Reward, or Incentivize Effortlessly!
Coupons & Growing
Serving Cities in U.S. & Canada
Local Merchants
We are the leading provider of unbeatable local and national discounts throughout the U.S. and Canada. When you gift a membership, you're granting access to thousands of new ways to save.
Whether it’s pizza or fine dining, movie tickets, a day at the zoo, shopping at a favorite store or planning a vacation, our membership ensures they get to enjoy it all for less.
Simply register the card via the Entertainment® Coupon App or online at member.entertainment.com—no credit card needed.
Enjoy a full year's access to thousands of
Complete card activation before June 30, 2027.
Memberships remain valid for 12 months from the activation date.
*All sales are final
In the early 1960s in Detroit, our founders had a vision to create a company with a unique business model focused on helping communities grow and prosper.
Their goal was to provide a mutually beneficial WIN-WIN-WIN solution that connected consumers looking to spend less on the things they love to do, schools and community groups searching for effective fundraising solutions, and businesses seeking to increase their customer base.
Sixty years later, Entertainment® is America’s most trusted coupon network. We are the leading provider of unbeatable local and national discounts throughout the U.S. and Canada, while maintaining a strong community connection. What started with the flagship Book, has evolved to digital discounts that can be redeemed via phone and online.
Stay Connected with Us!