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I love the entertainment app. It saves me so much money no matter what city I’m in. Keep up the good work!!!
Awesome deals!!! Love the convenience of the app. Always check to see if there is a discount at the place I am at!
Saved more than the cost of membership the first time I used it.
It’s a total win !! I really love the mid year app adds with new establishments being added. Looking forward to many more years of savings. Kaching!!!
The digital membership saved me over $100 the first day! Buy one get one free tickets to all kinds of attractions, the zoo, the aquarium etc. This app is a must have and I will never get rid of it!
It pays for itself many times over and I do not even use it near it’s full potential!
Worthwhile. Use it all the time - in any city.
Easy to use and navigate. Great suggestions. I like the way it tracks savings.
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