
Planning and booking your holiday trip doesn’t have to be stressful and overwhelming. Did you know that your Entertainment® Membership can provide great road trip savings? The Entertainment® Travel Planner, included in your membership, offers the best and easiest way to plan your next getaway while saving you money.

Travel Planner is your one-stop-shop to finding awesome deals that best suits your travel plans, while also saving you the hassle of visiting multiple websites to find the lowest prices. It will surely help make your booking experience more exciting and enjoyable.

Check out how the Entertainment® Travel Planner can provide great road trip savings for your next getaway or family holiday.

Planning a long-distance road trip? Here’s a tip - make it budget-friendly by renting a car with better gas mileage. Your membership provides access to affordable car rental options from Avis®, Budget®, and more. You can get up to 25% off on your next car rental, but wait, there is more! You also get additional bonus offers like upgrades and free days. With so many discounts that provide great road trip savings, start your trip worry free and ensure a good time for the whole family.

What is the key to a great holiday? We believe it’s finding the right accommodations and saving money at the same time. With your Entertainment® Membership you can save up to 65% off or more at hotels when you book through the Entertainment® Travel Planner booking engine. We help you find the best hotels, negotiated at the lowest price, and make the booking experience easy and stress free.

With the Entertainment® Travel Planner your trips are planned right, so you can relax more, enjoy more, and save more! For those last-minute adventurers, fret not, you can still save on bookings on-the-go when you download the Entertainment® Coupon App. The app provides great road trip savings right at your fingertips.

Need More Ways to Save on Your Holiday? Enjoy your getaway to the fullest with Travel Planner but remember that our savings don’t stop there. With the Entertainment® Coupon App, you can find great deals on activities, family outings, and dining options anywhere you travel within the U.S. and Canada. The app makes it easy to find local attractions, plan fun family activities, and save some money.

What are you waiting for? Let the Entertainment® Travel Planner be your secret weapon to providing great road trip savings. So, plan and book your next getaway and show your family and friends you can be the savvy savings pro of planning the perfect holiday.

Psst…Make sure you download the Entertainment® Coupon App for more savings on the go.

Don’t have a membership yet? Click here to get started with a 30-day free trial.

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